Nicole C. Mullen singing The Lord is ‘MY Shepherd’ live in concert. In Zimbabwe from the Album ‘Captivated’
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Isaiah 20:2-3
Then the LORD said, "My servant Isaiah has been walking around naked and barefoot for the last three years. This is a sign–a symbol of the terrible troubles I will bring upon Egypt and Ethiopia…(The Bible God had Isaiah parading NAKED for everybody to watch, including children)!
Micah 1:8 Because of this I will weep and wail; I will go about barefoot and NAKED. I will howl like a jackal and moan like an owl. This is just a sample of biblical nakedness accepted by the Jewish Gods. The singer above is far more well dressed than some of the prophets in the bible.
God's Word is the guide for dress not man's opinion or reasoning. God says to dress modestly and to be holy. I like Nicole Mullen and I'm not condeming her. Just responding to how a Christian should dress. God's Word is His will and isn't just an idea. Let us be God pleasers.
oh pls
i would say, there is nothing wrong with her clothes, it doesn't reveal anything that a man can lust after. Keep it up my sista, you have an angelic voice, may God Almighty increase you and take you to another level in your music ministry
Oh an I want to Thank you for the talent that you gave your daughter Nicole C Mullens, she is spreading your love,and if you are for her who can stand against her.
Thank you Father for sending your son to die for us so we are no longer under the Law but your grace is sufficient, and you judge us by what is in our heart,which should be full of your love for you and our neighbor,Thank you for judging me this way and not for my outward appearance. I Love you and all my brothers and sisters that serve you with their heart, soul. and mind.
nomatter hw angelic voice she sings wth,ths z nt God's standards of His singers,she cn't dress lyk it's an abormination,filthy and worldly.You wl be crying nd shouting thinking tt u r praising God bt u'l b serving e Devil 2 tel u.Remmber Cain,he wnted 2 make his offering mo acceptable 2 God by bringing spicy thngs wth full of fregrancies bt God wld nt honour tt,He honoured Abel's offering wc was followed by a swarm of flies,m nt saying u shld be fluffy bt be modest and do it by GOD's standards
If people think th is sexy, then they are not looking at the kids on the street or the older women and people who walk around totally covered in clothes so tight they should'nt be able to breathe! Whaddaya want? Her in a burqua? Come on!
Well, sis, you can continue to dress sexy and show your curves and tell people you follow Jesus Christ. I am sure they will see God's reflection in your clothing 🙂
Oh, and thanks for praying for me.. I appreciated it!
how do YOU know that? Can You read the minds of the people attending the service? Why make you think that these men are think lustful about her? Please tell me hun! Who died and made you Jesus?? huh? I don't know what plant you come from but there is something wrong with you. Stop trying to over power God, you dont know what your talking about. but i will continue to pray for you okay
How do you know that? Can you read the minds of the people attending the service? How do you know that her dressing is not making one or more brothers stumble in their thoughts? Christian men are still humans and have lustful thoughts (I am not blaming them). When Christian women dress sexy, they knowingly distract their brothers and hence, they dishonor God Himself!
So the clothing of John the Baptist and Jesus justifies a Christian woman to wear revealing clothes? I will not judge if shes didnt have enough money to cover her body, but I don't think this woman on stage is poor.. But anyway, it looks like you think it's right for a Christian woman to honor God by dressing sexy. But don't assume that God will not hold such women accountable for making their Christian brothers stumble…..
Ok, I thought about that… And I decided that I will NEVER disgrace my God in front of the whole world (physical and virtual) by dressing sexy. When you are in public, you are REPRESENTING God, and if you think representing the all-righteous God in a sexy way is fine, then you can go ahead and dress like a super model.
All I'm saying is, as Christian women we are supposed to dress MODEST; let others know that we honor God in our dressing too, and not just by our words.. Think about that 🙂
God doesn't look on the out side he looks on the inside…..think about that -_-
Yes she is distracting. She looks like she belongs on the top of a birthday cake. I can still worship with her crazy outfit, it just may take me a bit longer since i must checkout the connection in her color and fabric choices. LOL
so why are u saying? So we need to dress like wild wreckless people so we can be accepted? I guess I will be rejected, just like Jesus!!!