Music video by Kari Jobe performing Be Still My Soul (In You I Rest) [Lyrics]. (P) (C) 2013 Sparrow Records. All rights reserved. Unauthorized reproduction is a violation of applicable laws. Manufactured by EMI Christian Music Group,
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18 thoughts on “Kari Jobe – Be Still My Soul (In You I Rest) [Lyrics]”
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my soul is not at rest, i am so depressed and i have been for years. I used to be a Muslim and i have been baptized for a year now, i have given my life to Christ, my christian walk has been hard, I have faced so much difficulties and continue to face them. It is hard because i am questioning what plan GOD has for me, why all this pain? why do i suffer so much? i feel like there are days i don't want to live, I don't even feel like going to church this week, i just keep crying and asking GOD to talk to me, but he never speaks. I just need GOD to give me the strength and faith to continue…I cant do this alone anymore
Be still my soul. The lord is on my side. This song is so comforting in times of worry..
May the Lord God continue to feel your his grace…
Gorgeous song. Thanks a million for sharing it!
Eric Liddell
Dear [Anna Marquez] i hope you will keep your faith strong and let your heart not be troubled,JESUS CHRIST is love and any one who loves him is also loved.
I have fined love in JESUS CHRIST now am free from every thing Amen.
Elizabeth lopez,You are very right what you said GOD is the only one to hope on and to trust no-body ease only him keep your faith more strong and keep praying.
What a wonderful GOD he say,all now mysterious shall be bright at last be still my soul and i say Amen.what about you?
GOD is the king of all the kings in the world and there is know one like him.
my friend has sung this in a event… very nice and changing the inner emotion :)
What a beautiful arrangement. Praise God!
i love this song, and you, life goal to meet you in person
belíssima música gospel
I want this song to be played at my own funeral. This is as good as it gets, the most beautiful song I’ve ever heard.
Lovely, Jesus will give us peace to wait for his return. The world may put weight on your shoulders But be of Good Cheer because Jesus overcame the World! Jesus Loves you so much.keep your eyes on God and follow his ways and you will be with Him soon! Revelation 22:20 Amen
Amen this songs gives us assurance that God will take care of us no matter what happens. AMEN