Glory to God! I love God, He cares for me! I lost my mother six years old with two brothers and a sister 8 years my father died I was alone but God will always take care of myself … I lived 11 more years on the streets in sao paulo and 16 years in drugs but now I am washed by the river of living water that comes from inside everyone who believes in the Holy Scriptures has been transformed by the power of God is the Glory of God and the joy is wow! Belo Horizonte MG Brazil.
Yes Lord, breathe on me!
I love this!!! Breathe on me Lord…
God u are way too amazing…… I love you forever!
This song is a blessing, I've always been in love with it. It's also very beautiful, and it's spiritual.
sweet to my Creator…
Glory to God! I love God, He cares for me! I lost my mother six years old with two brothers and a sister 8 years my father died I was alone but God will always take care of myself … I lived 11 more years on the streets in sao paulo and 16 years in drugs but now I am washed by the river of living water that comes from inside everyone who believes in the Holy Scriptures has been transformed by the power of God is the Glory of God and the joy is wow! Belo Horizonte MG Brazil.
i luv this song so much.
It's such a blessing.
Beauty, majesty, wonder, Breath of God, Sweet Holy Spirit, life long companion, comforter, restorer, heal our soul, speak LIFE to our heart,.
whowww …………
Beautiful song and im so Blessd! Thank You JESUS!!!!
Hillsons is a bleesing to many especially me.
i LOVE hillsong i bawl through most of their music beautiful
awesome awesome I love you Jesus
PLEASE POST 'YOU ARE' hillsong!!!!!
Beautiful song…..beautiful voice.
Thank you for posting this video! God Bless!
wonderful annointed song what a gifted singer, such healing calm power for the heart, praise god!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I love this song!